السبت 17 يونيو - 22:59:12 | المشاركة رقم: |
عضو نشيط
إحصائيةالعضو | عدد المساهمات : 625 | تاريخ التسجيل : 02/12/2015 |
| موضوع: Tapisserie de Bayeux Tapisserie de Bayeux. Désolée, il y a 2 fautes de frappe au mot succeeded; une à 2mn10s et une à 2mn25s.
Early in 1066, Edward the Confessor, King of England died. He had no son to take over the throne. Début 1066 (5 janvier) Edouard le Confesseur mourut. Il n'avait pas de fils pour lui succéder sur le trône. | Edward the Confessor (1004-1066) | Harold, Earl of Wessex, Edward's brother-in-law, was immediately crowned king. Harold, comte de Wessex, beau-frère d'Edouard, fut immédiatement couronné roi. (6 janvier) | King Harold (1022-1066) | But Harold had sworn allegiance to William and had recognized him as the future king. Mais Harold avait juré (sur des reliques) allégeance à Guillaume et l'avait reconnu comme le futur roi. | Harold's Oath of Fealty to William of Normandy (1064) | Bishop Odo of Bayeux advised William to build a fleet and embark for England to dethrone Harold. L'évêque Odo de Bayeux conseilla à Guillaume de construire une flotte et d'embarquer pour l'Angleterre afin de détrôner Harold. | Odo of Bayeux, William's half-brother. | William landed in England on 28 September 1066, at Pevensey near Hastings. He established a camp. Soon after, Harold and his army arrived.
Guillaume débarqua en Angleterre le 28 septembre 1066 à Prevensey près d'Hastings. Il établit un campement. Peu après Harold et son armée arrivèrent. The Battle of Hastings occured on 14 October 1066. It lasted most of the day. Harold was killed and his army collapsed. William was victorious. La bataille d'Hastings eut lieu le 14 octobre 1066. Elle dura presque toute la journée. Harold fut tué et son armée mise en déroute. Guillaume était vainqueur. | | On Christmas Day 1066, William was crowned king in Westminster Abbey. En 1066, le jour de Noël, Guillaume fut couronné roi dans l'abbaye de Westminster. | Coronation of William the Conqueror |
The Bayeux Tapestry is neither a tapestry nor a woven cloth. It is a long embroidered cloth (50 cm x 70 m) that you can see in a museum in Bayeux, France. It tells the story of the Norman conquest of England by William the Conqueror. The tapestry may have been commissioned by Bishop Odo and was probably made in Canterbury or Winchester by English needleworkers. woven (tissée) / embroidered cloth (tissu brodé) commissioned (commandée) / needle (aiguille) needleworker (ici brodeuse) | |
This animated version starts about halfway through the original work at the coronation of Harold and the appearance of Halley's Comet (0:20) Six men are pointing at the star. Above them you can read 'Isti mirant stella', which means: 'They marvel at the star'. [ ceux-ci (ces hommes) regardent l'étoile avec étonnement] The annotations on the tapestry are in Latin. (the English words have been added in the video). Decorative borders along the top and bottom portray scenes from fables, farming, hunting and mythological figures such as lions and dragons.
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