جواهر ستار التعليمية |
أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم ، في منتديات جواهر ستار التعليميه المرجو منك أن تقوم بتسجـيل الدخول لتقوم بالمشاركة معنا. إن لم يكن لـديك حساب بعـد ، نتشرف بدعوتك لإنشائه بالتسجيل لديـنا . سنكون سعـداء جدا بانضمامك الي اسرة المنتدى مع تحيات الإدارة |
جواهر ستار التعليمية |
أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم ، في منتديات جواهر ستار التعليميه المرجو منك أن تقوم بتسجـيل الدخول لتقوم بالمشاركة معنا. إن لم يكن لـديك حساب بعـد ، نتشرف بدعوتك لإنشائه بالتسجيل لديـنا . سنكون سعـداء جدا بانضمامك الي اسرة المنتدى مع تحيات الإدارة |
جواهر ستار التعليمية :: قسم البحوث :: منتدى الطلبات والبحوث الدراسية |
السبت 16 مايو - 21:45:55 | المشاركة رقم: | |||||||
عضو نشيط
| موضوع: Accidents and work injuries and the effects Almtertbpaliha Accidents and work injuries and the effects Almtertbpaliha Accidents and work injuries and the effects Almtertbpaliha The provision of a safe working environment from the risks of different industries and raise the level of efficiency and means of prevention will undoubtedly lead to reduction of injuries and occupational diseases and to protect workers from accidents and thereby reduce the number of working hours lost as a result of absence due to illness or injury, as well as reduce the costs of treatment, rehabilitation and compensation for the pathogenic and occupational injuries, which will have to improve and increase the level of production and the payment of the economic power of the state. Work injury Known damage to the worker as a result of an accident that a certain ((injury)) that any injury is the direct result of the incident that exposed group, known as the incidence of work-related injury that occurs to the worker in the workplace or because of, as well as injuries that are occurring to workers on their way to work or by reference to work-job injuries, provided that the route that the group is the direct route without interruption or deviation, is the occupational diseases of workplace injuries. Occupational diseases: the specific diseases, resulting from the direct impact of production processes and the consequent pollution of the work environment, including by the issue of waste materials and other effects as well as the influence of natural conditions present in the work environment of individuals (noise, vibration, radiation, temperature, humidity. etc.). Classification of the consequences of work injuries 1 - Livescore Considered work injuries and occupational diseases that afflict workers in total or partial disability, and death resulting from accidents at work different, are direct consequences of the hazardous working conditions, which lacked the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health. 2 - Results of direct guy resulting from inadequate safety procedures and occupational health at the facility, which show effects on workers. The concept of accident Can be defined the incident as a sudden event occurring during labor and as a result, the incident may lead to damage and damage to the facility or means of production without injuring one of the workers. Or may cause injury to workers or more in addition to damage to the facility and means of production. Sampling and analysis of accidents It is necessary to conduct research and analysis of incidents which have occurred no matter how simple, to find out causes and to develop the reserves and make the best means of preventing their recurrence in the future, and should not be our research and analysis of the accident is to determine responsibility for the damage caused to know, but it must be the primary objective is to the reasons for the accident to determine the means of rectifying the situation. What are the elements of research in the accident? Twofold of the incident two grounds (reason, result) May be a search result, all resulting in a sharp minor injury is very useful Temtema as if this incident had led to the deaths. Preview responsible for the incident NOEL work or direct the Chief of Section is the first to preview the incidents. The time of the accident Preview Should discuss the incident after the incident immediately or as soon as possible. How can we look the incident The reason the firm does not change in any accident is (that someone had done something he has no interest) or (if a person has failed to do something was a must, he does), This could be a factor here or department head or manager of the establishment or the employer itself and in each case must be in charge of the preview up the incident to the largest amount of information that led to the incident, namely: -- 1 - accident 2 - A person with the same. 3 - the same injury. Report on the incident Must include a research report of the incident: 1 - Career history of the worker Codification of all the information that can be obtained for injured employees and the nature of his work, and what he was doing already, and incidents that had occurred to him, and what he should do or not do so that no accident. 2 - Check the machine or machine or causes of the phenomenon of the incident 3 - result Incident Report Form * Name of Establishment: * Name of injured: Number * Group: * Omar Group: * Length of service in the work in the installation: * The length of service group the department where the incident happened: * Occupation: * Date of Injury: * Hours of injury: * Type of injury: (cut at the end of the right thumb, a broken left foot ,.... etc.) Model to describe the incident Incident to a staff carpentry workshop and is working on a mechanical saw cutting off his finger in the thumb .. And another incident caused injury to his foot during the handling agent, ****l .. To analyze these incidents, we must answer the following questions and which ones we can identify the cause of injury and that proposals should be implemented to prevent their recurrence in the future: -- Type of accident A break in the thumb for a worker while working on a mechanical saw Foot injury while he was working, ****l handle What work was done by the injured worker, tools and machinery, and materials used when the infection? Spare plank on automatic sawmill Download heavy ****l object on a vehicle with four wheels How did working? Collision finger thumb Manshar weapon during the rotation Escaped its grip ****l body, and fell on the fingers of his right foot. The safe disposal of others carried out by the group and led to the injury? The worker has to pay the wood finger board, bypassing the thumb in the direction of the protective barrier arms Saw Carry heavy loads over capacity What are the deficiencies that existed both in the means of action or manner of performance of work or in the workplace? Protective barrier was too short or does not exist Are not used to other to assist in the process of downloading the body ****l What is the appropriate method of prevention which must be used to prevent infection? Installation of protective barrier prevents the passage of the fingers when working underneath it work Wear protective shoes What are the procedures to be taken to prevent a recurrence of the incident in the future? Training to work on implementation of the work correctly, not allowing it to non-trained to work on the saw, modified preventing barriers, review barriers preventing various machines similar periodic inspection of equipment to ensure the existence of barriers preventing a continuous basis. Directing the work to the need to request aid and assistance to businesses that require it, exchange shoes and protection, make sure to wear protective shoes and whatever prevention in general, the use of automated mechanical crane for such acts, We will soon explain in detail the types of accidents and work injuries and statistical models used to inventory, classify, classification, and analyzed for their causes and to develop technical solutions that help to reduce or Tkulaiha . الموضوعالأصلي : Accidents and work injuries and the effects Almtertbpaliha // المصدر : ممنتديات جواهر ستار التعليمية //الكاتب: souad1968
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الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 20 ( الأعضاء 3 والزوار 17) | |
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